College of Education

The Forum on the Future of Public Education

People Blog (Archive) News Events


  • Jul 2, 2015, 12:57 PM by Sharita Forrest
    Book by College of Education at Illinois student Jameson Brewer offers insider's view of Teach for America.
    Full story
  • May 26, 2015, 12:49 PM by Sharita Forrest
    Illinois’ guaranteed-tuition law is causing tuition rates at the state’s public colleges and universities to escalate faster than they would if schools were allowed to adjust tuition rates annually, according to analyses by Professor Jennifer A. Delaney of the Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership and Tyler D. Kearney, an associate director of the Office for Planning and Budgeting.
    Full story
  • Feb 20, 2015, 00:00 AM by Sharita Forrest
    A study co-authored by Dr. Christopher Lubienski, a professor in the Department of the Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, suggests people most often cited as “education experts” in blogs and news stories may have the backing of influential organizations but have little background in education and education policy.
    Full story
  • Feb 18, 2015, 00:00 AM by Josh Winters
    According to College of Education at Illinois Professor Eboni Zamani-Gallaher, more work needs to be done in the realm of improving the quality of education for students in the state of Illinois.
    Full story




        • Sep 11, 2012, 00:00 AM by The College of Education
          2012 - College of Education at Illinois Associate Professor Christopher Lubienski was appointed director of The Forum on the Future of Public Education. He is taking over the role previously held by Professor Debra Bragg, who will remain actively involved with the organization.
          Full story
        • Sep 7, 2012, 00:00 AM by Fabienne Faur and College of Education
          Christopher Lubienski, associate professor of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership at the College of Education at Illinois, was interviewed for an AFP article about homeschooling gains, which was posted on Google News. He said there have always been Americans unhappy with public education for theological or cultural reasons, and he estimated that two-thirds of children are homeschooled for religious or moral reasons. Lubienski's research centers on public and private interests in education, including the use of market mechanisms such as choice and competition to improve schooling.
          Full story
        • May 9, 2012, 00:00 AM by The College of Education
          Educational technology expert Scott McLeod urges faculty to rethink scholarship; addresses technology in schools.
          Full story
        • Feb 8, 2012, 00:00 AM by The College of Education
          Sarah Lubienski, professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the College of Education at Illinois, has been named Director of the STEM Education Research Collaborative (SERC), formerly known as The STEM Collaborative. As part of the College of Education, the Collaborative advances teaching, learning, and policy in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.
          Full story
          • Scott McLeod Seminar and Workshop Featured 
            May 11, 2012


            • Attend the Educational Theory Summer Institute
              June 16, 2011
              • Plural Societies and the Possibility of a Shared Moral Vision: This topic will be the focus of the Third Annual Educational Theory Summer Institute (ETSI), held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from August 15-17, 2011. The journal Educational Theory ( is pleased to acknowledge The Forum for the Future of Public Education ( as co-sponsor of this year’s event.
            • Chicago Mayoral Candidates Answer Questions about Education
              January 19, 2011
              • Together with other public media in Chicago, Catalyst Chicago developed an education questionnaire for the mayoral candidates. Full story
            • Momentum Building on ESEA Renewal?
              January 13, 2011
              • According to "Education Week": "Rumor has it that the president is going to make a big push for renewing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in his State of the Union address to the newly divided Congress, slated for Jan. 25." This, like the previous iteration, "No Child Left Behind," could have a major effect on the education landscape. Full story
            • EdWeek releases "Quality Counts:2011"
              January 11, 2011
            • Study finds Texas' college admissions policy influences choice of high school, racial disparity
              January 11, 2011
              • Texas' 10-percent plan, which guarantees admission to Texas' public institutions of higher education to the top 10 percent of each of the state's high schools' graduating classes, has been found to impact students' choices of where to go to school, encouraging greater racial integration of schools, but also resulting in White students "knocking minority students out of the pool of college applicants qualifying," according to a working paper published by the National Bureau of Educational Research. According to the paper, "among the subset of students with both motive and opportunity for strategic high school choice, as many as 25 percent enroll in a different high school to improve the chances of being in the top ten percent." Working paper


            • Lessons to be drawn from Rhee's rise and fall? Experts react
              October 15, 2010
              • AP: "Michelle Rhee became a public face of education reform during her tenure as head of the District of Columbia's schools, but she found out that reform isn't always popular, especially when it involves school closings and teacher layoffs. Rhee stepped down Wednesday, several weeks after the man who appointed her, Mayor Adrian Fenty, was defeated in a Democratic primary where Rhee's celebrated yet stormy tenure was a factor....Education observers suggested that the fast pace of change and Rhee's abrupt personality might have contributed to her downfall, though not everyone agreed. Others stressed the importance of getting stakeholders to back sweeping change....Larry Cuban, a former D.C. public schools teacher who wrote a book about education reform in Texas, says Rhee took the "sledgehammer" approach of many new schools heads: trying to force reform through quickly. In her first year, she closed more than 20 schools and replaced nearly three dozen principals. Cuban said that approach doesn't work. "It fails because it often alienates the very groups you have to cooperate and build partnerships with, and those are teachers and parents," Cuban said. Fenty on Wednesday rejected suggestions that the pace of reform should have been slower, and the idea that if it had been, both he and Rhee would have been able to continue their work in a second term." Full article.
            • Illinois near bottom (again) in study of school funding fairness
              October 14, 2010
              • Ed Week: "A new study finds that many states fall short in the “fairness” of their school funding models, measured not just by the amount of money they provide to education, but also by whether they direct sufficient resources to the poorest schools. The study, based on a detailed analysis of pre-recession data, was released Tuesday by the Education Law Center, a Newark, N.J.-based organization that advocates for equal opportunities and funding for public school students through research, policy development, and legal action. About four-fifths of the states evaluated by the authors received a “C” grade or lower on the extent to which they “progressively” fund education—or channel greater resources to poorer, rather than wealthier, districts." Full article.
            • Policymakers continuing to ignore impact of poverty on student outcomes 
              October 13, 2010
            • Thorough, evidence-based critique of the Rhee-Klein Manifesto from NEPC director Kevin Welner
              October 13, 2010
            • Flawed funding system for charter schools bears no relationship to actual costs of educating students
              October 12, 2010
            • Complaints sent to Civil Rights Office on the rise; greater expectations of action 
              October 12, 2010
            • New Republic suggests that performance pay is not to improve performance of existing teacher pool 
              October 11, 2010
            • Georgia Supreme Court will hear important charter school case this week 
              October 11, 2010
            • Excellent article on whether charter schools widen racial and class divides 
              October 7, 2010
            • Baltimore presented as example that reform can be done diplomatically 
              October 6, 2010
            • Major legal issues with big donation to Newark public schools 
              October 6, 2010
            • Feds are serious about addressing racial disparities in disciplinary action 
              October 6, 2010
            • National Ed Policy Center reviews DOE's research base for ESEA blueprint 
              October 5, 2010
            • launches parent tool with map of school performance in designated area 
              October 4, 2010
            • Report, model legislation on protecting GLBT students in schools 
              September 30, 2010
            • Court ruling could strip some seeking alt certification of "highly qualified" label 
              September 28, 2010
            • Charter school authorizer organization wins federal grant to improve charter school quality 
              September 28, 2010
            • Pay incentives have generally been a failure in private industry too 
              September 23, 2010
            • NYT editorial: Zero tolerance in schools has gone too far 
              September 21, 2010
            • New Yorker piece: The crisis in American public education is overblown 
              September 21, 2010
            • Recommendations for improving impact of education research 
              September 21, 2010
            • Poverty rates rose sharply in 2009; 1 in 7 in poverty 
              September 16, 2010
            • Obama announces new STEM education initiative 
              September 16, 2010
            • Many states may struggle to meet timelines for improving state data systems under RTTT 
              September 14, 2010
            • Center for Amer Progress report: States not equipped to drive school turnaround 
              September 14, 2010
            • A sampling of public comments from all sides regarding gainful employment rules 
              September 14, 2010
            • Black students suspended 3-4 times more often than white students 
              September 14, 2010
            • Heckmann suggests soft skills and early childhood need more emphasis 
              September 13, 2010
            • ELL access and services are area of charter school reform 
              September 13, 2010
            • FEDS: Student loan default rates increasing 
              September 13, 2010
            • Guidelines for effective charter school governance 
              September 13, 2010
            • Maintenance of funding effort provision in teacher bailout bill could burn a few states that cut expenditures 
              September 9, 2010
            • Charter authorizer says NYC can't mandate parent groups for all charters 
              September 9, 2010
            • Fed grants will allow U.S. universities to aid African higher ed institutions 
              September 9, 2010
            • An old idea whose time has come? Teacher leaders given the helm at growing number of schools 
              September 7, 2010
            • UCLA business school wants to go to private school-type model 
              September 7, 2010
            • New Orleans schools slow to change in terms of racial composition 
              September 1, 2010
            • Housing market leads to some unanticipated enrollment surges in DC area districts 
              August 31, 2010
            • States piloting new pre-service teacher test 
              August 29, 2010
            • New Forum-sponsored book on 20 years of charter school research out from Harvard Ed Press 
              August 27, 2010
            • Community colleges filling a need for more training for leaders of green projects 
              August 26, 2010
            • Lumina project will aim to retroactively award associate's degrees and identify students who are close 
              August 25, 2010
            • PA's online charter schools are popular but largely failing to meet state standards 
              August 24, 2010
            • List of major ed stories from this summer 
              August 23, 2010
            • Ravitch's ed reform book recommendations 
              August 23, 2010
            • Higher education funding may take a decade to recover, Forum associate faculty Jennifer Delaney 
              August 23, 2010
            • Turnaround policy requires the firing of a number of top-rated principals 
              August 18, 2010
            • UCLA research suggests widely used home language survey not good way to identify ELL 
              August 18, 2010
            • CPS union sues to prevent layoffs 
              August 18, 2010
            • Chicago charters, many running deficits, will have per-pupil funds cut by CPS 
              August 18, 2010
            • Youngest kids in class often misdiagnosed with ADHD 
              August 17, 2010
            • Wonks from a range of perspectives slam LA Times for printing teacher effectiveness data with names 
              August 17, 2010
            • Loan repayment rates at for-profits prominent in fed calls for greater regulation 
              August 16, 2010
            • Rich to poor achievement gap in NY grows with new test 
              August 16, 2010
            • Illinois will receive $146 million in federal funds for school turnaround 
              August 12, 2010
            • Medicaid funds to states will be an indirect boost to higher ed 
              August 7, 2010
            • Hearing outlines evidence of widespread fraud at for-profit colleges 
              August 5, 2010
            • Texas schools: students are two-thirds minority, teachers are two-thirds white 
              August 4, 2010
            • CCSSO releases draft of teaching standards 
              August 3, 2010
            • Minnesota rejects Common Core due to math standards 
              August 3, 2010
            • Dropoff in reading scores after NY changes standards is particularly steep among charter schools 
              July 29, 2010
            • Report estimates errors in using value added methodology to rate teacher effectiveness 
              July 29, 2010
            • Cities that are pursuing Promise Neighborhoods based on Harlem's Children Zone 
              July 29, 2010
            • Long term payoff for early childhood interventions extends well beyond academics 
              July 29, 2010
            • Tweak or turnaround? Most popular school turnaround model being used is the least disruptive 
              July 29, 2010
            • Is there sufficient talent available (and willing) to fill new jobs created by RTTT? 
              July 29, 2010
            • How can we evaluate ELL teachers fairly? 
              July 28, 2010
            • Rural schools may suffer if timber funding not replaced 
              July 27, 2010
            • Grantmaker Recs on improving postsecondary completion 
              July 27, 2010
            • College Board report offers 10 recommendations for improving college completion rates 
              July 27, 2010
            • Proposal for "Gainful Employment" rules for for-profit institutions announced; public comment begins 
              July 27, 2010
            • Only seven states currently assess kindergarten readiness 
              July 27, 2010
            • Large study finds that professional development, data-based decision making among principals lacking 
              July 27, 2010
            • Civil Rights groups attack Obama education policy in letter of recommendations 
              July 26, 2010
            • D.C. fires 6% of teachers for performance, puts another 17% on notice 
              July 24, 2010
            • Report: Research basis for Common Core Standards is weak 
              July 22, 2010
            • AZ State adopts problem-based approach to defining departments. Research benefits? 
              July 19, 2010
            • Will regional higher ed associations lead the way? 
              July 19, 2010
            • why aren't wikis gaining more traction in higher ed? 
              July 15, 2010
            • Positive long term outcomes for study abroad 
              July 13, 2010
            • What Works: Head Start eval finds no significant effects 
              July 13, 2010
            • Multi-state charter school study finds no achievement effects 
              June 29, 2010
              • NCES: Adding to the growing debate and evidence base on the effects of charter schools, this evaluation was conducted in 36 charter middle schools in 15 states. It compares the outcomes of 2,330 students who applied to these schools and were randomly assigned by lotteries to be admitted (lottery winners) or not admitted (lottery losers) to the schools. Both sets of students were tracked over two years and data on student achievement, academic progress, behavior, and attitudes were collected. The study is the first large-scale randomized trial of the effectiveness of charter schools in varied types of communities and states. Key findings include: • On average, charter middle schools that held lotteries were neither more nor less successful than traditional public schools in improving math or reading test scores, attendance, grade promotion, or student conduct within or outside of school. Being admitted to a study charter school did significantly improve both students’ and parents’ satisfaction with school. Charter middle schools’ impact on student achievement varied significantly across schools. Charter middle schools in urban areas -- as well as those serving higher proportions of low-income and low achieving students -- were more effective (relative to their nearby traditional public schools) than were other charter schools in improving math test scores. Full story
            • Watchdog files complaint that Chicago Public does not properly evaluate special ed students 
              June 29, 2010
              • Tribune: "Claiming that Chicago Public Schools routinely fails to properly evaluate young children for special education services, an advocacy group has filed a complaint with the Illinois State Board of Education. Equip for Equality, the states federally mandated watchdog for people with disabilities, said in its complaint that "hundreds of children between the ages of 3 and 5, who have been referred for evaluations, wait many months to receive a response to their request for an evaluation, or worse, never receive one." The complaint includes 14 specific cases in which children did not receive timely evaluations, and Olga Pribyl, managing attorney for the groups special education legal advocacy clinic, said they have information on hundreds of other such cases." Full story
            • Latest draft of teacher bailout bill has reduced funds 
              June 28, 2010
              • Ed Week: "House Democratic leaders are circulating a draft of a scaled-down version of the edujobs bill that would include $10 billion to prevent teacher layoffs. For those keeping score at home, the $10 billion would be a significant decrease from the $23 billion that Rep. David R. Obey, D-Wis., and Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, initially sought to stave off staff reductions. Conservative Democrats balked at the $23 billion pricetag and the fact that the bill would add to the deficit. This time around, theres a lot less money, and the spending would be offset by about $12 billion in reductions to other programs, including an $800 million cut in funding for new discretionary programs in the U.S. Department of Education." Full story
            • Teacher induction study from IES finds no impact on teacher retention 
              June 28, 2010
            • Committee on Student Assistance: Grant aid not sufficient to support completion for poor students 
              June 28, 2010
              • The grant aid available to low- and moderate-income students is insufficient to ensure that they will enroll and stay in college, undermining the bachelors-degree completion rates of high-school graduates, according to a report presented here on Friday by the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance. Chronicle of Higher Ed: The report, "The Rising Price of Inequality," is the first part of a study on access and persistence that the independent committee, which advises Congress and the secretary of education, was directed to undertake as part of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. Full story
            • IES study: Student mobility in rural areas 
              June 28, 2010
              • IES: "Research suggests that highly mobile students (students who enter and leave school other than at the beginning or end of the school year) are less successful academically, drop out of school at higher rates, and require more frequent disciplinary action. This study, Student mobility in rural and nonrural districts in five Central Region states, calculated student mobility percentages in five Central Region states and compared mobility by locale (city, suburb, town, and rural locale) and found no consistent patterns. The report also describes districts in each state with extremely high student mobility. In particular, the study found that districts with extremely high student mobility are often rural, have higher-than-state-average shares of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, and are on or near American Indian reservations; only in Wyoming did rural locales have higher student mobility than did city and town locales. In North Dakota mobility percentages were higher in both towns and rural areas than in cities or suburbs." Full story
            • Innovative charters post lower student achievement growth 
              June 28, 2010
              • Vanderbilt researchers: "Since charter school research on student achievement is mixed, many researchers and policy makers advocate looking inside the “black box” of schools to better understand the conditions under which schools of choice may be effective. We begin to address this issue with data from charter schools and a comparison group of traditional public schools. We also conduct propensity score matching at the student level to further understand achievement gains. In our analyses of these data, we find no charter school effects on students’ achievement gains. Instructional conditions, such as teachers’ focus on academic achievement, are related to mathematics gains. However, we find that our innovation measure is negatively associated with gains (when other conditions are controlled for), which suggests that innovation for innovation’s sake should not be the sole focus of schools, whether charter or not." Full story
            • Could Harlem Children's Zone approach work in poor rural areas? 
              June 28, 2010
              • NPR: "The Harlem Childrens Zone is a widely-praised program that is fighting the effects of poverty in a poor section of New York City. Now, the Obama administration wants to spread this program around the country by giving out federal grants to so-called "Promise Neighborhoods." The program is trying to encourage rural and tribal communities to apply, but the areas face obstacles as they try to emulate a program that was developed to combat urban poverty. A Model Transplanted In The West The Pinon Project is based in a collection of former church buildings in a residential neighborhood of Cortez." Full story
            • Impact of proposed finance industry reforms on student loan industry 
              June 28, 2010
              • Inside Higher Ed: "The financial reform measure, which is expected to come to a final vote in Congress this week, has significant implications for the student loan industry, and the shape of the bills impact on lending largely mirrors the pattern above. Advocates for students heralded the legislation as a major advance in oversight of non-federal, or private, student loans, to which families and students have increasingly turned in recent years to fill the gap between federal, state and institutional financial aid and the rapidly increasing full cost of attendance at many colleges. The most significant change won by supporters of greater oversight for private loans was the decision by lawmakers to give the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau authority over virtually all types of non-federal student loans, including those that for-profit colleges make to their own students. (Those colleges had pushed to have such loans excluded, arguing that the loans -- like all alternative student loans -- are already covered under the existing Truth in Lending Act, which Congress toughened in 2008.) The legislation would give the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau supervision over loans made by all non-banks, and by banks with more than $10 billion in assets." Full story
            • Illinois will require bilingual ed services in preschool 
              June 27, 2010
            • Online credit recovery gaining foothold in major districts 
              June 23, 2010
              June 23, 2010
            • Shared priorities of Nat Gov Assoc group on common assessments 
              June 22, 2010
            • US Dept of Ed to ban college recruitment by commission, gainful employment announcement delayed 
              June 16, 2010
            • CPS will borrow $800 million to boost teacher pay, avert strike
              June 15, 2010
            • Indiana launches public online university for working rural adults 
              June 15, 2010
            • Breakdown of some of the major impediments to better charter authorizing and oversight 
              June 15, 2010
            • Hispanics underrepresented in NYC charter schools 
              June 15, 2010
            • A new day in the Chicago Teachers Union 
              June 14, 2010
            • Review of literature finds that GED of little value to most students 
              June 10, 2010
            • Stateline offers review of ed policy developments in the states 
              June 10, 2010
            • Evidence on Teach for America indicates impact is mixed at best 
              June 10, 2010
            • Jobs bill moving in Senate, without teacher money 
              June 9, 2010
            • What are the long term impacts of the Great Recession on children? 
              June 9, 2010
            • Chicago Consortium report indicates small high schools improved grad rates for at risk kids 
              June 9, 2010
            • Put Video Games to Good Use 
              June 7, 2010
            • Is the Bologna Process for European Higher Ed reform like the U.S. Dept of Ed? 
              June 7, 2010
            • Glenn Reynolds: Higher education's bubble is about to burst 
              June 7, 2010
            • Side deals among states and districts in RTTT process? 
              June 6, 2010
            • Potential impact of removing poor teachers and recruiting good ones 
              June 6, 2010
            • Portfolio approach to school management (ala Chicago, Philly, New York) critiqued
              June 4, 2010
            • Chicago plan for extended day involves 2 hours of computer time with aides 
              June 3, 2010
            • Legal weaknesses of using value-added data to fire teachers 
              June 3, 2010
            • Denver merit pay program shows some benefits 
              June 3, 2010
            • Non-traditional college students profiled 
              June 2, 2010
            • Chicago merit pay experiment has not paid off thus far 
              June 2, 2010
            • Scholar Raises Doubts About the Value of a Test of Student Learning 
              June 2, 2010
            • Higher ed scholars and leaders on what is needed in higher ed reform 
              June 2, 2010
            • What's in (and what's not) American COMPETES act passed by House 
              June 2, 2010
            • The Humanities Go Google 
              June 2, 2010
            • Institutional Research Roundup 
              June 1, 2010
            • Many COMPETES I programs never got funding 
              June 1, 2010
            • President of Kaplan College Campus Is Fired Over 'English Only' Dispute 
              June 1, 2010
            • Despite Widespread Support, Perkins Loan Program Faces an Uncertain Future 
              June 1, 2010
            • Only 1 in 4 kids attend summer learning programs 
              May 28, 2010
            • Many long term ELL students don't reach fluency in CA 
              May 28, 2010
            • Funding gap for charter schools persists 
              May 28, 2010
            • 2 Public Universities Beat For-Profit Regional Colleges at Online Learning 
              May 27, 2010
            • IL FY11 Budget. What's worse than raising taxes? This is. 
              May 27, 2010
            • New rules make it tougher to become a teacher in Illinois 
              May 26, 2010
            • White House mixed signals muddle funding 
              May 26, 2010
            • Texas education standards spark debate on slavery, politics
              May 26, 2010
            • California outsources overflow community college education 
              May 26, 2010
            • Should 4 year institutions be able to grant 2 year degrees? 
              May 25, 2010
            • High court to hear Arizona school case on tax breaks for private school scholarships 
              May 25, 2010
            • Do we need new science policy to reflect reality of modern research? 
              May 25, 2010
            • State reporting of remedial education makes comparisons difficult 
              May 25, 2010
            • Chicago students lag behind other big cities on "nation's report card" 
              May 24, 2010
            • DC charter schools concerned about teacher salary competition with DC public schools 
              May 24, 2010
            • Is College for All good policy? Some eductors say alternatives needed 
              May 24, 2010
            • Lawsuit aims to overhaul school funding system, provide schools with more dollars 
              May 24, 2010
            • Use of ARRA funds in major urban districts 
              May 24, 2010
            • School turnaround models discussed by Congress 
              May 24, 2010
            • Lawsuit challenges California school funding system 
              May 24, 2010
            • School-Finance Reform in Red and Blue 
              May 24, 2010
            • Panel aims to identify data elements for college readiness 
              May 22, 2010
            • IES Longitudinal Data System grants announced, IL $11 million 
              May 21, 2010
            • NAEP Reading results from several major cities out today; Scores up in a few districts 
              May 20, 2010
            • Think tank review of CEP report on ELL; Report asks question it can't answer 
              May 20, 2010
            • Arkansas district sues state, claiming that charter school hinder desegregation efforts 
              May 20, 2010
            • NCES report on Career/Tech Coursetaking, class of 2005 
              May 19, 2010
            • Judge Bars Teacher Layoffs at 3 L.A. Schools 
              May 19, 2010
            • Educational Attainment Rises Among All Americans 
              May 18, 2010
            • Behind the curtain on race to the top judging 
              May 18, 2010
            • Charter schools sue to break contracts with White Hat 
              May 18, 2010
            • Long NYT piece on The Teachers' Union Last Stand 
              May 18, 2010
            • Charter-school bandwagon avoided by some states 
              May 18, 2010
            • Community colleges facing an unfunded mandate? 
              May 17, 2010
            • Duncan Urges Congressional Leaders to Pass Edujobs Bill ASAP 
              May 17, 2010
            • Overview of job-embedded professional development for teachers 
              May 13, 2010
            • Worst job market in a generation for new grads 
              May 13, 2010
            • Review of NCTQ report on teacher layoff policy 
              May 13, 2010
            • Rochester seeking mayoral control of school system 
              May 12, 2010
            • Fed child obesity plans has ambitious goals and real teeth 
              May 12, 2010
            • LAUSD tests all students to find gifted; response to Civil Rights investigation? 
              May 11, 2010
            • The research behind the ESEA blueprint, 6 reports 
              May 11, 2010
            • Georgia charter schools ruled constitutional 
              May 8, 2010
            • J. Matthews on the dangers of whole school reform 
              May 7, 2010
            • Foundations creating stronger public-private links in ed reform 
              May 7, 2010
            • Charter school advocates coming to grips with mediocre performance 
              May 4, 2010
            • Feds criticize higher ed biz practices that lead to tax evasion 
              May 3, 2010
            • EPIC/ EPRU releases book reviewing research quality in ed think tanks 
              May 3, 2010
            • UIUC/ AIR research finds mixed success for Gates Millennium Scholarships 
              May 2, 2010
            • Debate: Can bad teachers be turned around? 
              March 12, 2010
            • Different theories of action for data usage in RTTT applications 
              March 12, 2010
            • Flagship state institutions becoming quasi-private? 
              March 11, 2010
            • Tangled Web of Ed Programs 
              March 11, 2010
            • LAUSD will be target of Civil Rights Office investigation for ELL students 
              March 11, 2010
            • Idaho considers offering incentives for gifted to graduate early 
              March 11, 2010
            • CA under scrutiny for lack of maintanence of effort 
              March 11, 2010
            • Reform coherence needed to address health needs and education 
              March 11, 2010
            • Newsweek on Rhee v. Weingarten over DC contract 
              March 10, 2010
            • TGIF: Many schools cut back to 4 day week 
              March 10, 2010
            • Grade level common standards released 
              March 10, 2010
            • I3 review 
              March 10, 2010
            • The Mesofact: A type of knowledge we have not mastered 
              March 10, 2010
            • Higher ed help from feds on accreditation may not be welcome 
              March 10, 2010
            • 10 years of European higher ed reform 
              March 10, 2010
            • Salon: Does cleaning house for school turnaround harm kids? 
              March 10, 2010
            • Potential roadblocks for student loan legislation 
              March 9, 2010
            • NYT Mag: Building a better teacher 
              March 7, 2010
            • Gates, Mass Insight seen as other RTTT finalists 
              March 6, 2010
            • National Ed Tech Plan released 
              March 6, 2010
            • New D.C. teacher evaluation system receiving praise 
              March 5, 2010
            • HS counselors may be missing link for college transition 
              March 5, 2010
            • NYC high school reform dissected 
              March 5, 2010
            • Ravitch reverses stance on many key issues 
              March 4, 2010
            • Teachers want support more than more money 
              March 4, 2010
            • Aspen Inst worries that RTTT and NCLB will create patchwork accountability 
              March 4, 2010
            • Online learning to address 3 major problems in ed 
              March 3, 2010
            • Achieve report on college and career readiness, expectations gap 
              March 3, 2010
            • Obama supports RI school firing 
              March 3, 2010
            • Cosolidation of fed programs sparks criticism 
              March 3, 2010
            • MET Life teacher survey: part 1 results 
              March 3, 2010
            • Regional Ed Lab compares American Diploma project standards with ACT, College Board 
              March 3, 2010
            • Revisions to standards underway, new version expected soon 
              March 3, 2010
            • Obama announces drop out prevention linked to America's Promise 
              March 2, 2010
            • NC district may end economic desegregation policy 
              March 2, 2010
            • Students who get credit for life experience do better in college 
              March 2, 2010
            • High school seniors pursuing different types of outside-of-school experiences 
              March 2, 2010
            • Long term IEP, not just for special ed anymore 
              March 2, 2010
            • Chicago parents concerned about REN10 closure policies 
              March 1, 2010
            • Duncan notes upcoming fed funds in discussion of funding cliff 
              February 28, 2010
            • Higher Ed and economic growth, speed products from lab to market 
              February 26, 2010
            • KC considers closing 30 schools 
              February 25, 2010
            • Study: Com Colleges don't attract large employers 
              February 25, 2010
            • Over identification of ELL students? 
              February 25, 2010
            • R.I. school will fire all teachers due to failing status 
              February 24, 2010
            • CPS backs off on some school closings 
              February 24, 2010
            • Site matches CC transfer with 4 year institutions 
              February 22, 2010
            • San Fran still struggling with school assignment approach 
              February 22, 2010
            • Obama wants new standards tied to college readiness 
              February 22, 2010
            • Collaborative prof development central to many RTTT plans 
              February 19, 2010
            • Public concerned about approach of higher ed 
              February 19, 2010
            • CPS funds collaborators to improve safety on travel to school 
              February 19, 2010
            • Head Start in the home 
              February 18, 2010
            • NJ will consider open enrollment statewide 
              February 18, 2010
            • Rep. Miller outlines plan for bipartisan authoring of new NCLB 
              February 18, 2010
            • Jobs bill could ease fall off funding cliff 
              February 18, 2010
            • Fordham report examines segregation in public schools 
              February 18, 2010
            • CPS will change school closing procedure 
              February 17, 2010
            • Effort to link state data systems begins with tech working group 
              February 17, 2010
            • Student disciplined due to Facebook behavior can sue 
              February 17, 2010
            • Bunkum awards for misleading "research" announced 
              February 16, 2010
            • Funding cliff will be particularly harsh in CA 
              February 16, 2010
            • OSU president takes on tenure 
              February 16, 2010
            • Aspies worried about lumping condition in with other types of autism 
              February 15, 2010
            • Job creating ideas from American Prospect 
              February 15, 2010
            • A critical look inside the Harlem Children's Zone 
              February 15, 2010
            • Lousiana school system could face some RTTT pains 
              February 15, 2010
            • List of major fed research projects 
              February 12, 2010
            • Report finds that high school choice system in Philly reinforces existing inequities 
              February 12, 2010
            • Judge intervenes in district's selection of math curriculum 
              February 12, 2010
            • Increasing algebra coursetaking has mixed results 
              February 12, 2010
            • Sen Meeks proposes to reduce power of LSCs in Chicago 
              February 12, 2010
            • CPRE report on use of interim assessments 
              February 11, 2010
            • Sen. Meeks introduces voucher bill in IL 
              February 11, 2010
            • Are schools prepared for looming funding cliff? 
              February 11, 2010
            • Another study indicating increased segregation through school choice 
              February 11, 2010
            • Next generation of science standards being discussed 
              February 11, 2010
            • Chronicle looks at nimble for-profit higher ed institutions gaining market share 
              February 11, 2010
            • Lobbying showdown coming over student loans 
              February 11, 2010
            • Debate: Will Chinese language programs really take off in the U.S.? 
              February 11, 2010
            • AP participation rates (and failure rates) increasing 
              February 11, 2010
            • South Dakota bill would tie school funding increases to economic growth 
              February 11, 2010
            • Teacher tenure report from American Progress 
              February 11, 2010
            • DOE seeking i3 grant reviewers 
              February 10, 2010
            • Extended coverage of schools and stimulus funds from Ed Week 
              February 9, 2010
            • Addressing intradistrict funding gaps 
              February 9, 2010
            • Middle college programs may be effective for drop out reduction 
              February 9, 2010
            • IES releases list of grant competitions 
              February 9, 2010
            • Title I funding formula should be revised, CAP report
              February 5, 2010
            • Black students in charter schools more segregated 
              February 5, 2010
            • Officials worried about LEAP program cut 
              February 5, 2010
            • Community schools neglected in Obama ed plans 
              February 5, 2010
            • Kids not so great at multitasking 
              February 4, 2010
            • How well do students deal with info overload? 
              February 4, 2010
            • Frontline examines digitial culture, multitasking, and learning
              February 3, 2010
            • Teacher program changes in proposal for revised ESEA 
              February 3, 2010
            • Ed research in Obama budget 
              February 3, 2010
            • NCLB reauthorization plans 
              February 2, 2010
            • Moderate Pell grant increase included in budget proposal 
              February 2, 2010
            • Educational Exceptionalism 
              February 2, 2010
            • TFA VP comments on Race to the Top proposals 
              February 2, 2010
            • Weighing RTTT proposals, strengths of some states' proposals 
              February 2, 2010
            • Neighborhood lag effects on reading years later 
              February 2, 2010
            • Nat Conf of State Legislatures calls for new federal funding approach in ESEA reauthorization 
              February 2, 2010
            • CCSR book outlines 5 keys to school turnaround 
              February 1, 2010
            • Profile of Arne Duncan's first year in New Yorker 
              February 1, 2010
            • Building a more robust support system for community college students 
              February 1, 2010
            • State universities aim to improve graduation rates 
              February 1, 2010
            • Federal education technology money for education comes through 
              February 1, 2010
            • College endowments down nearly 20% 
              February 1, 2010
            • $4 billion in new funds for education sought 
              January 31, 2010
            • ESEA reauthorization this year not a slam dunk 
              January 31, 2010
            • Rep. counter proposal cuts ed funding $5 billion over 5 years 
              January 31, 2010
            • Report suggests states protect poor teachers too much 
              January 31, 2010
            • Education portion of State of the Union 
              January 31, 2010
            • Tribune overview of IL Race to the Top application 
              January 31, 2010
            • $10k tuition tax credit proposed by Obama 
              January 31, 2010
            • Report indicates impact of for profit career colleges 
              January 30, 2010
            • Online enrollment up 17% 
              January 30, 2010
            • How do teachers think they should be evaluated? 
              January 30, 2010
            • Many students not adept at internet searching 
              January 28, 2010
            • Using longitudinal data to evaluate long term impact of high school preparation 
              January 28, 2010
            • Obama will propose $4 billion in new education spending 
              January 28, 2010
            • Transcript of the State of the Union 
              January 28, 2010
            • Spending freeze on the way? 
              January 27, 2010
            • Education Policy in the News 
              January 27, 2010
            • Gender gap in enrollment stabilizing 
              January 27, 2010
            • Challenges of community college research 
              January 27, 2010
            • Resistance to Dept of Ed proposal to examine the employability of voc ed graduates 
              January 26, 2010
            • Optimism for Illinois RTTT application 
              January 26, 2010
            • Possible loan help for middle class, but spending freeze may be coming elsewhere 
              January 26, 2010
            • OMG Texting helps students become gr8 spellers 
              January 25, 2010
            • Sec. Duncan meets with Congressional leaders to discuss NCLB reauthorization plans 
              January 25, 2010
            • Adding psychotherapy for troubled teens shows promise in Chicago school 
              January 24, 2010
            • Using longitudinal data to identify students on track for graduation and postsecondary success 
              January 24, 2010
            • America COMPETES Act up for renewal 
              January 23, 2010
            • More early childhood math instruction needed 
              January 23, 2010
            • New bill for principal training and recruitment 
              January 22, 2010
            • Debates at National Journal 
              January 21, 2010
            • Student loan default rates reported 
              January 21, 2010
            • Report suggests high stakes tests and zero tolerance discipline push kids out 
              January 21, 2010
            • Late opposition to RTTT in several states 
              January 20, 2010
            • Federal panel aims to balance quality reporting with public access to federally funded research 
              January 19, 2010
            • Georgia weighing legislation for teacher performance pay 
              January 19, 2010
            • Stanford team critiques Ed Week's Chance-for-Success measure 
              January 19, 2010
            • Obama announces intent to expand Race to the Top in FY11 
              January 19, 2010
            • Report criticizes aid policies and low minority enrollment at flagship institutions 
              January 14, 2010
            • Applications to takeover LA schools streaming in from variety of groups 
              January 13, 2010
            • Illinois charter school policy ranked in bottom half of states due to poor authorizer system 
              January 13, 2010
            • NCATE launches effort to enhance clinical experience in teacher prep 
              January 12, 2010
            • States soften graduation exit exams 
              January 12, 2010
            • AFT head proposes new teacher evaluation approach 
              January 12, 2010
            • Forum Op-Ed: Charter school research can help inform Peoria's decision to add charter school 
              January 12, 2010
            • Districts spend special ed funds elsewhere 
              January 7, 2010
            • Recession drives student movement from private to public schools 
              January 6, 2010
            • Cost effectiveness of postsecondary retention programs 
              January 6, 2010
            • Obama announces public-private effort to improve STEM instruction 
              January 6, 2010
            • Teach for America completion does not improve civic engagement 
              January 5, 2010
            • 2009 Ed Policy Year in Review 
              January 4, 2010
            • Myth versus reality in the higher education of Latinos 
              January 4, 2010
            • 20th century skills and tech companies 
              January 2, 2010


            • Investigation of gender bias in college admissions 
              December 23, 2009
            • Key staff in LA District are privately funded 
              December 18, 2009
            • Louisiana links student outcomes to teacher preservice training 
              December 18, 2009
            • Teacher turnover high in charter schools 
              December 17, 2009
            • Loan defaults to be tracked by institution 
              December 16, 2009
            • An approach to using value added data in teacher assessment 
              December 15, 2009
            • Scaling up assessment use in higher ed 
              December 11, 2009
            • Math standards in high performing Asian countries 
              December 11, 2009
            • Chicago magnets to use new criteria for admissions 
              December 10, 2009
            • Educational trends among U.S. immigrants 
              December 9, 2009
            • Review of school restructuring strategies under NCLB 
              December 9, 2009
            • Gates invests in technology use in community college instruction 
              December 8, 2009
            • Arizona alters teacher seniority rules 
              December 7, 2009
            • 24 public higher ed institutions release improved performance data 
              December 5, 2009
            • Fed school turnaround funds become available 
              December 5, 2009
            • ACLU questions CPS magnet enrollment criteria 
              December 5, 2009
            • DEBATE: Is reading comprehension a skill? 
              December 2, 2009
            • National Education Technology Plan comment period closing soon 
              December 1, 2009
            • Home visits to parents a promising strategy 
              December 1, 2009
            • Progress on state education data system 
              November 30, 2009
            • Dell Report: Performance management in action 
              November 30, 2009
            • Graduation for All Act of 2009 introduced 
              November 24, 2009
            • Barton and Kirst critique Common Standards 
              November 22, 2009
            • Analysis finds NCLB-type accountability improved NAEP math scores 
              November 22, 2009
            • Desegregation programs may help close achievement gap 
              November 21, 2009
            • Noise pollution hinders academic development 
              November 21, 2009
            • Florida to grade teacher education programs 
              November 21, 2009
            • Town, Gown, and the Bridging the Digitial Divide 
              November 20, 2009
            • NY considers alternative organizations for teacher certification 
              November 20, 2009
            • Methodology of NYC charter study criticized 
              November 20, 2009
            • Gates teacher effectiveness funds start to roll out 
              November 19, 2009
            • Teacher peer review revitalized 
              November 18, 2009
            • Alabama considering charter school legislation 
              November 17, 2009
            • Loosely regulated charter school market had mediocre results 
              November 16, 2009
            • Last Bracey report examines achievement gap, mayoral control, standards
              November 13, 2009
            • Heckman revises ROI on Perry Preschool 
              November 12, 2009
            • Race to Top guidelines released 
              November 12, 2009
            • Ford Foundation gives $100 million for high school reform; Chicago among participating cities 
              November 10, 2009
            • Leaders and Laggards on Education Innovation: IL earns mostly C's on report 
              November 9, 2009
            • Cornell researchers release book on gender and STEM 
              November 9, 2009
            • Pay incentives not linked to better rates of student improvement 
              November 9, 2009
            • Obama Puts Spotlight on Education Grants 
              November 6, 2009
            • Faculty think they're tech savvy, students disagree
              November 6, 2009
            • Number of degrees awarded to minorities on the rise 
              November 6, 2009
            • High percentage of U.S. teens not fit for military service 
              November 6, 2009
            • Three higher ed assessments prove valid 
              November 6, 2009
            • Female Students Are Just as Persistent as Men in Engineering, Database Shows
              November 5, 2009
            • ED Recovery Act Report: Summary of Programs and State-by-State Data 
              November 5, 2009
            • More districts use income, not race, for desegregation plans
              November 4, 2009
            • Proposal for higher education consumer protection office 
              November 4, 2009
            • Report: Some states not protecting student privacy adequately 
              November 4, 2009
            • Charter school market share growing 
              November 3, 2009
            • Public Schools Outperform Private Schools in Math Instruction 
              November 2, 2009
            • Community college plan may not be enough 
              November 2, 2009
            • Unsubstantiated and Inaccurate Reports Misleadingly Boost Neovouchers 
              November 1, 2009
            • Loophole lets schools raise scores by not testing low-performing students 
              November 1, 2009
            • Assessing Assessment 
              October 31, 2009
            • Market-style incentives to increase school choice have opposite effect 
              October 20, 2009